The message that I tried to convey during my run for mayor of Holyoke and which I shared with the other candidates as well as with the people of this city is one of the necessities of civic unity in the context of diversity. Our racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious and cultural diversity informs who we are to a large degree, but it should not rise up as an obstacle and impediment to an understanding of ourselves as one social community in this city and to a commitment to an ever-greater involvement in the myriad activities of Holyoke’s social web.
I advocate for the ways to bring this about along with a conviction that the quality of life is not to be achieved through large projects and expenditures, but through the prudent and imaginative employment of the resources available for the equitable betterment of our city. The candidate for mayor Joshua García and I have spoken about his vision for Holyoke which includes this effort towards involvement and unity, putting aside divisiveness and weighing respectfully and judiciously the input of many voices with transparency and accountability.
Gloria Caballero Roca