Rebuilding and maintaining our infrastructure and keeping up with our capital needs is critical to Holyoke’s economy and quality of life. Nevertheless, infrastructure maintenance and new investments are the most widespread fiscal stressors for any local government. This is why it is critical we focus on improving the inter-operations of our local government so that we can be sure to leverage every revenue source possible to better plan for and implement dire capital improvement needs. I also propose we draft a Capital Improvement Plan to help us better mitigate infrastructure and capital needs using a combination of available resources.
My Experience
In my capacity at Blandford, I worked collaboratively with department heads to navigate resources and help strategize to mitigate critical capital needs. Some of these include capital upgrades of equipment for fire, highway, and police, and a series of infrastructure upgrades from Town owned buildings, to road improvements and water upgrades to distribution and the water plant. We are also actively developing a capital improvement plan that will help identify capital projects and equipment purchase needs, provide a planning schedule, and identify options for financing between now and the next ten years.